BYND YP to Yr1 soonBeyond Meat stock (BYND) should go to the Yearly R1 pivot @ $195, by the end of this year. YP to Yr1= textbook trade! Yearly pivots show...
IBM yearly pivotsIBM so far in 2020, the Yr1 pivot point is the high, and the Ys2 pivot is the low. Ys1 should now be support and the YP should be now...
S&P downside targetsThe S&P 500 index failed at the Yearly R1 pivot point(YR1). I am looking for it to come down to the Yearly Pivot(YP) @ 2974 or the 50%...
Intel Ys1 to the YP soonIntel Corp. stock (INTC) fell hard after their last earnings call. The Yearly S1 pivot caught the fall and created a buying opportunity....